Saturday, December 1, 2012

day 29 and 30 eating Paleo

We have finished our 30 days! In the last 30 days I have gained so much more knowledge and confidence that I can feed my family the way I have been wanting to. We have made a major lifestyle change that turned out to be the best thing we ever did. We found out that Wyatt definitely has a reaction to certain foods (we are still not 100% what yet). I know for sure that food has been causing so many problems in my body (I already knew that I was just not ready to take this step). I think even if we didn't have these reactions to foods that I would make the change anyway. The more research I do on grains the farther I want to get away from them. I have also learned that Wyatt and I are a fan of teas thanks to our naturopath.

Our final numbers from the 30 days are .. I am down 17 lbs and 3.5" .. Wyatt has gained 3lbs. More important than any number on a scale or a measuring tape is how amazing we feel.

I won't be posting what we eat everyday anymore, well maybe it will come up in posts but since I am done the 30 days I won't be specifically writing a post just for what we are eating. I will continue to eat like this. We will start to introduce some foods over the next few months, butter is being introduced this week.

We are going to start a new goal on top of the food for this month. On top of our new foods I will be working out 30 mins a day for the month of December. It can be in the gym, at home or going for a walk. November I really got off track with learning the new way of eating and how to get into a routine with it. We are also doing our advent activities and the holiday traditions we have (I will post about those). January we are unplugging our televisions for the whole month (this will be hardest on my husband when he is home).

Our microwave lit on fire last week and I have not replaced it. The more I think about it I don't think I am going to. I am not saying that the microwave is going to kill us or anything but I just think for our family right now we are going to just use the stove to heat things up. Maybe I will get a small toaster oven just for heating up leftovers since we eat so many.

So 30 days are gone but it is really the start of a new life for our family!

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